Foam rubber EL1838, is a polyurethane foam, which contribute to the functionality of a uniform distribution of surface pressure. The advantage is high stability, due to which deformations do not form in the foam rubber during long-term operation.
Width: 1 meter
Length: 2 meters
Density: 18 kg/m³
After opening the package, the foam rubber may change color (turn yellow) in some places. This is due to the fact that this material is exposed to ultraviolet rays, and it does not matter what manufacturer, brand or color, this applies to everyone. It is worth noting that the appearance of yellowness does not affect the quality and functional properties of the material, that is, in terms of operation and quality, the material does not lose anything and its further use can be carried out without problems.
* The manufacturer reserves the right to make changes in the characteristics, color, configuration and design of the product without warning. The store is not responsible for the changes made by the manufacturer.
ღრუბელი რაღირს მეტრი.საწოლისთვის მინდა. სიგრძე 2მ. სიგანე 60.
ღრუბელის ფასი დამოკიდებულია ღრუბელის სისქეზე, ამისთვის აირჩიეთ სისქე რომელიც გნებავთ (დააჭირეთ ზომების ველში სასურველ ზომას) და ფასი ავტომატურად განახლდება. ღრუბელის სიგრძე და სიგანე სტანდარტულია 2 X 1 მეტრზე.
The cost of delivery of purchased goods in the online store throughout Georgia is calculated automatically during the ordering process, after selecting the desired transportation method.
To do this, place the desired items in the desired quantity in the cart, enter the delivery address and select the delivery method, after which the delivery cost will be calculated automatically.